Rambo Amadeus - Komedija, tragedija, drama

There are two important things to remember
about learning any new language
one, be interested in the people
their country and language
want to learn it

There are two important things to remember
about learning any new language
one, be interested in the people
their country and language
want to learn it

Two, practice it as often as you can
nothing is more effective
than creating a friendly atmosphere
and nothing flatters people more
than when a foreigner
tries to speak their language

Remember, knowing the language
is the best way of knowing the country
and enjoying it more

Good morning, Mister Popovich
dobro jutro, gospodine Popovicu

How are you, sir
kako ste, gospodine

Madame, gospodjo
ladies and gentlemen
gospodje i gospodjo

I am pleased to meet you
milo mi je da vas vidim

Thank you, hvala
thank you very much
velika hvala

I want to buy an apple,
I want to buy an apple
hteo bih kupiti jabuka

Banana, banana
beans, pasulja
bean soup, corba od pasulja

Chocolate, hleba
chocolate, hleba
chocolate, molim
coconuts, molim
coconuts, kokosovih oraha

Cabbage, kupusa
beef steak, molim
beef steak, gospodine Popovicu

Is it a comedy, da li je to komedija
is it a tragedy, da li je to tragedija
is it a comedy, da li je to komedija
is it a drama, da li je to drama

Izvinite sto vas prekidam
da li smem da vam nesto ponudim

Meat, meso
milk, mleka
oranges, narandza
peaches, breskava

Candy, bombona
pineapple, ananas
mother, vasa majka
potato, krompira

Lamb, jagnjetina
lemon, limunova
string beans, boranije
tea, caja

Tomato, paradajz
soda water, soda vode
turnips, kelerabe
lobster, molim
gospodine Popovicu, jastoga

What is this, sta je ovo
what is that, sta je ono
what is this, sta je ovo
what is that, ne znam

Is it a comedy, da li je to komedija
is it a tragedy, da li je to tragedija
is it a comedy, da li je to komedija
please repeat, molim, ponovite

Please, show me
molim, pokazite mi

Please speak slowly
molim, govorite polako

Thank you very much
velika hvala

Thank you very much, velika hvala
goodbye, dovidjenja

Goodbye, I had a delightful time
zbogom, divno sam se proveo

Please come again
molim, dodjite ponovo

Goodbye, dovidjenja
dovidjenja, gospodine Popovicu

- hvala vujke