Debeli precjednik / Fat prezident - Now I Lose
I have no feeling lately. Nothing.
I'm bored. I'm bored to death and I'm neither sad or happy.
Nothing. I'm just bored. Bored to death and you're gone.
Breathing deeply, dying completely.
Last heartbeat, I am gone. Nothing said, nothing done.
I don't believe we're having fun.
Nothing much, nothing new.
Now I lose.
- hvala Marina
I have no feeling lately. Nothing.
I'm bored. I'm bored to death and I'm neither sad or happy.
Nothing. I'm just bored. Bored to death and you're gone.
Breathing deeply, dying completely.
Last heartbeat, I am gone. Nothing said, nothing done.
I don't believe we're having fun.
Nothing much, nothing new.
Now I lose.
- hvala Marina