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J R R Tolkien - The Hobbit

J. D. Salinger (Dž. D. Selindžer) - Freni i Zui (Franny and Zooey;)

J. Daniels - Where I Belong

J. K. Rowling (Dzoan K. Rouling) - Hari Poter i kamen mudrosti (Harry Potter i kamen mudraca; Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

J. K. Rowling (Dzoan K. Rouling) - Hari Poter i dvorana tajni (Harry Potter i odaja tajni; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)

J. K. Rowling (Dzoan K. Rouling) - Hari Poter i zatvorenik iz Askabana (Harry Potter i zatočenik Azkabana; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

J. K. Rowling (Dzoan K. Rouling) - Hari Poter i vatreni pehar (Harry Potter i plameni pehar; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

J. K. Rowling (Dzoan K. Rouling) - Hari Poter i Red feniksa (Harry Potter i Red feniksa; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

J. K. Rowling (Dzoan K. Rouling) - Hari Poter i polukrvni princ (Harry Potter i princ miješane krvi; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)

J. K. Rowling (Dzoan K. Rouling) - Hari Poter i relikvije smrti (Harry Potter i darovi smrti; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)

J. R. R. Tolkien (Dž. R. R. Tolkin) - Gospodar prstenova: Povratak kralja (The Return of the King)

J. R. R. Tolkien (Dž. R. R. Tolkin) - Gospodar prstenova: Dvije kule (Dve kule) (The Two Towers)

J. R. R. Tolkien (Dž. R. R. Tolkin) - Gospodar prstenova: Prstenova družina (Družina prstena; The Fellowship od the Ring)

J. R. R. Tolkien (Dž. R. R. Tolkin) - Farmer Gil od Buta (Farmer Giles of Ham)

J. R. Ward - Bratstvo crnog bodeža - Noćni lov

J. R. Ward - Bratstvo crnog bodeža - Kraljica tame

J. R. Ward - Bratstvo crnog bodeža – Rob strasti

J. R. Ward - Bratstvo crnog bodeža – Krvava žrtva

J. R. Ward - Bratstvo crnog bodeža - Lovac na duše

J. R. Ward - Bratstvo crnog bodeža – Srce vampira

J. R. Ward - Bratstvo crnog bodeža – Poljubac smrti

J. R. Ward - Bratstvo crnog bodeža – Krvna veza

J. R. Ward - Bratstvo crnog bodeža – Bezdan žudnje

J. R. Ward - Bratstvo crnog bodeža – Oslobađanje

J.A. Melville - Natasha's Awakening

J.A. Saare - Rhiannon's Law #1 - Dead, Undead, or Somewhere in Between

J.A. Saare - Rhiannon's Law #2 - The Renfield Syndrome

J.A. Saare - Crimson Moon

J.A. Saare - Moon Kissed

J.A. Saare - Rhiannon's Law #3 - The Ripple Effect

J.C. Daniels - Blade Song

J.C. McKenzie - Shift Happens

J.D. Chase - Orion the Hunter #1 - The Hunter

J.D. Chase - Orion the Hunter #2 - The Hunted

J.D. Chase - Orion the Hunter #3 - Hunting Lust

J.D. Chase - Orion the Hunter #4 - Hunting Truth

J.D. Salinger - Catcher In The Rye

J.J. Bonds - Crossroads

J.L. Beck - Indebted

J.L. McCoy - Skye Morrison #1 - Blood of the Son

J.L. McCoy - Skye Morrison #2 - Sins of the Father

J.L. McCoy - Skye Morrison #3 - The Original Sin

J.L. McCoy - Skye Morrison #4 - Legacy of Blood

J.L. McCoy - Skye Morrison #5 - Revelation of Blood

J.L. McCoy - Skye Morrison #5.5 - Blood Moon

J.L. Myers - What Lies Inside

J.L. Perry - Bastard

J.L. Perry - Hooker

J.L. Perry - The Boss

J.L. Perry - Luckiest Bastard

J.L. Perry - My Destiny

J.L. Weil - Saving Angel (Divisa #1)

J.L. Weil - White Raven(Raven #1)

J.L. Weil - Black Crow(Raven #2)

J.L. Weil - Luminescence(Luminescence #1)

J.L. Weil - Amethyst Tears(Luminescence #2)

J.L. Weil - Moondust(Luminescence #3)

J.M. Sevilla - Marked #1 - The Missing Link

J.M. Stone - Skin Deep

J.M. Walker - Possessed by You

J.R. Rain - Vampire for Hire #1 - Moon Dance

J.R. Rain - Vampire for Hire #2 - Vampire Moon

J.R. Rain - Vampire for Hire #3 - American Vampire

J.R. Rain - Vampire for Hire #4 - Moon Child

J.R. Ward - Black Dagger Brotherhood - book 1; Dark Lover

J.R. Ward - Black Dagger Brotherhood - book 2; Lover Eternal

J.R. Ward - Bratstvo crnog bodeža - Zvijer u njemu

J.R. Ward - Bratstvo crnog bodeža - Vječna kletva

J.R. Ward - Black Dagger Brotherhood - book 3; Lover Awakened

J.R. Ward - Black Dagger Brotherhood - book 4; Lover Revealed

J.R. Ward - Black Dagger Brotherhood - book 5; Lover Unbound

J.R.R. Tolkien - The Silmarillion

J.S. Chancellor - Icarus

Jack Kerouac - On the Road

Jack Kerouac - Satori in Paris (Flamingo Modern Classics)

Jack London - Kći snijega

Jack London (Džek London) - Martin Idn (Martin Eden)

Jack London (Džek London) - Kralj Alkohol (John Barleycorn)

Jack London (Džek London) - Odiseja severa (An Odyssey of the North)

Jack London (Džek London) - Zov divljine (The Call of the Wild)

Jack London (Džek London) - Beli Očnjak (Bijeli Očnjak; White Fang)

Jacob Prevert (Zak Prever) - Neke stvari i ostalo

Jacques Prevert - How to Paint the Portrait of a Bird

Jacques Prevert - Paroles (French Edition)

Jacques Prevert - Paroles: Selected Poems (City Lights Pocket Poets Series)

Jacquez Prevert (Žak Prever) - Za tebe ljubavi moja

Jadranka Bjelica et al. - Disleksija

Jaimie Roberts - Sicilian Mafia #1 - Luca: You Will Be Mine

Jaimie Roberts - Sicilian Mafia #2 - Luca: Because You're Mine

Jaimie Roberts - Luca: You Will Be Mine

Jaimie Roberts - Luca: Because You're Mine

Jakov Jurišić - Grgine pustolovine

Jalmar Sedeberg - Doktor Glas

James Clavell - Tai-Pan

James Clavell - Shogun

James Clavell - Gai-Jin

James Clavell - Noble House

James Clavell - Whirlwind

James Clavell - King Rat

James Ellroy (Džejms Elroj) - Crna Dalija

James Fray - Paramparčad

James Herbert - Moon

James Joyce (Džejms Džojs) - Dablinci (Dubliners)

James Joyce (Džejms Džojs) - Uliks (Ulysses)

James Joyce (Džejms Džojs) - Pisma Nori

James Joyce (Džems Džojs) - Portret umetnika u mladosti (Portret umjetnika u mladosti; A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man)

James Kakalios - The Physics Of Superheroes

James P. Hogan - Inherit The Stars

James P. Hogan - The Gentle Giants of Ganymede

James P. Hogan - Giants' Star

James P. Hogan - Entoverse

James P. Hogan - Mission To Minerva

James Patterson - Ponocni klub

James Patterson (Džejms Paterson) - Samantina pisma Dženifer (Samanthina pisma Jennifer; Sam's letters to Jennifer)

James Patterson (Džejms Paterson) - Prikrade se pauk (Along Came A Spider)

James Patterson (Džejms Paterson) - Mačka i miš (Cat and Mouse)

James Patterson (Džejms Paterson) - Suzanin dnevnik za Nikolasa (Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas)

James Patterson (Džejms Paterson) - Poljubi devojke (Kiss the Girls)

James Patterson (Džejms Paterson) - Treci stepen (Treći stupanj; 3rd Degree)

James Patterson (Džejms Paterson) - Kuća na plaži (The Beach House)

James Patterson (Dzejms Paterson) - Dzek i Dzil (Jack & Jill)

James Redfield - Celestinsko proročanstvo (The Celestine Prophecy)

James Rollins - Ice Hunt

James Rollins - Black Order: A Sigma Novel (Sigma Force Novels)

James Rollins - Subterranean

James Rollins - Map of Bones

James Rollins - Amazonia

Jami Brumfield - Lone Wolf Rising

Jami Brumfield - The Witch's Vampire

Jamie McGuire - Beautiful Disaster

Jan Martel - Pijev život

Jan-Filip Zendker - Osluškivanje srca

Jane Austen - Emma

Jane Austen - Persuasion

Jane Austen (Dzejn Ostin) - Gordost i predrasuda (Ponos i predrasude; Pride and Prejudice)

Jane Costello - Djeveruse

Jane Johnson (Džejn Džonson) - Deseti dar (Crossed Bones)

Jane Washington - Beatrice Harrow #1 - Hereditary

Jane Washington - Beatrice Harrow #2 - The Soulstoy Inheritance

Jane Washington - Seraph Black#1 - Charcoal Tears

Jane Washington - Seraph Black#2 - Watercolour Smile

Jane Washington - Seraph Black#3 - Lead Heart

Jane Washington - Seraph Black#4 - A Portrait of Pain

Janet Evanovich - One for the Money (Stephanie Plum Series, No. 1)

Janet Evanovich - Two for the Dough (Stephanie Plum, No. 2)

Janet Evanovich - Three to Get Deadly (Stephanie Plum, No. 3)

Janet Fitch - White Oleander

Janko Matko - Dragulji i strasti

Janko Veselinović - Hajduk Stanko

Janna Shay - Fair Play

Jaroslav Bauer - Minerals, Rocks And Precious Stones

Jaroslav Hašek - Švejkovanje

Jaroslaw Rudnianski - Kako treba učiti

Jasinda Wilder - Badd Motherf*cker

Jasmin Gata - Noć Kaligrafa

Jasmina Puljo - Biseri mudrosti

Jasna Šurina - Polupani lončići

Jassica Adams (Džesika Adams) - Tom, Dik and Debi Hari (Tom, Dick and Debbie Harry)

Jaye Wells - Sabina Kane #1 - Red-Headed Stepchild

Jaye Wells - Sabina Kane #2 - The Mage in Black

Jaye Wells - Sabina Kane #3 - Green-Eyed Demon

Jaymin Eve - Supernatural Prison #1 - Dragon Marked

Jaymin Eve - Supernatural Prison #2 - Dragon Mystics

Jaymin Eve - Supernatural Prison #3 - Dragon Mated

Jaymin Eve - Broken Compass

Jaymin Eve - Hive Trilogy #1 - Ash

Jaymin Eve - Hive Trilogy #2 - Anarchy

Jaymin Eve - Hive Trilogy #3 - Annihilate

Jaymin Eve - Walker Saga #1 - First World

Jaymin Eve - Songbird

Jaymin Eve - Curse of the Gods #1 - Trickery

Jaymin Eve - Curse of the Gods #2 - Persuasion

Jaymin Eve - Secret Keepers #1 - House of Darken

Jaymin Eve - Secret Keepers #2 - House of Imperial

Jaymin Eve - Walker Saga #2 - Spurn

Jaymin Eve - NYC Mecca #1 - Queen Heir

Jaymin Eve - NYC Mecca #2 - Queen Alpha

Jaymin Eve - NYC Mecca #3 - Queen Fae

Jaymin Eve - NYC Mecca #4 - Queen Mecca

Jaymin Eve - Supernatural Academy: Year One

Jaymin Eve - Supernatural Academy: Year Two

Jaymin Eve, Tate James - Dark Legacy #1 - Broken Wings

Jaymin Eve, Tate James - Dark Legacy #2 - Broken Trust

Jaymin Eve, Tate James - Dark Legacy #3 - Broken Legacy

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (Žan Ogist Dominik Engr) - Neodoljiva potreba (zapisi i misli)

Jean Jacques Rousseau (Zan Zak Ruso) - Ispovijesti (Les Confessions)

Jean M.Auel - Pleme spiljskog medvjeda

Jean M.Auel - Dolina konja

Jean M.Auel - Lovci na mamute (1 i 2)

Jean M.Auel - Ravnice povratka (1 i 2)

Jean M.Auel - Vatreni kamen (1 i 2)

Jean Rhys (Džin Ris) - Široko Sargaško more (Wide Sargasso Sea)

Jean Sasson (Džin Sason) - Sultana

Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio (Žan Mari Gistav Le Klezio) - Zlatna ribica (Poisson d'or)

Jeaniene Frost - Night Huntress World #1 - First Drop of Crimson

Jeaniene Frost - Night Huntress #1 - Halfway to the Grave

Jeaniene Frost - Night Huntress #2 - One Foot in the Grave

Jeaniene Frost - Night Huntress #3 - At Grave's End

Jeaniene Frost - Night Huntress #4 - Destined for an Early Grave

Jeaniene Frost - Night Huntress #5 - This Side of the Grave

Jeaniene Frost - Night Huntress #6 - One Grave at a Time

Jeaniene Frost - Night Prince #1 - Once Burned

Jeaniene Frost - Night Huntress World #2 - Eternal Kiss of Darkness

Jeaniene Frost - Night Prince #2 - Twice Tempted

Jeaniene Frost - Night Huntress #7 - Up From the Grave

Jeaniene Frost - Night Prince #3 - Bound by Flames

Ježi Kosinski (Jerzy Kosinski) - Obojena ptica (The Painted Bird)

Jeffrey Gitomer (Džefri Gitomer) - Biblija Prodaje (The Sales Bible: The Ultimate Sales Resource)

Jeffrey Schwartz (Dzefri Švarc) - Blokiran mozak (Brain lock)

Jelaluddin Rumi - The Rumi Collection

jelena bacic alimpic - ringispil

Jelena Bacic-Alimpic - Ringispil

Jelena Lengold - Lift

Jelena Tinska - Beogradjanka

Jenika Snow - Giving it to the Bad Boy

Jenn Bennett - Kindling the Moon

Jenna Black - Morgan Kingsley #1 - The Devil Inside

Jenna Black - Morgan Kingsley #2 - The Devil You Know

Jenna Black - Faeriewalker #1 - Glimmerglass

Jenna Black - Faeriewalker #2 - Shadowspell

Jenna Black - Faeriewalker #3 - Sirensong

Jenna Black - Prince of Air and Darkness

Jenna Black - Morgan Kingsley #3 - The Devil's Due

Jenna Jameson - How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale

Jenna Wolfhart - Otherworld Academy #1 - A Dance With Darkness

Jenna Wolfhart - Otherworld Academy #2 - A Song of Shadows

Jenna Wolfhart - Otherworld Academy #3 - A Touch of Starlight

Jennifer Armintrout - Blood Ties #1 - The Turning

Jennifer Blackwood - The Rule Book

Jennifer Colgan - Fresh Blood

Jennifer Estep - Mythos Academy #1 - Touch of Frost

Jennifer Estep - Mythos Academy #2 - Kiss of Frost

Jennifer Estep - Mythos Academy #3 - Dark Frost

Jennifer Estep - Mythos Academy #4 - Crimson Frost

Jennifer Estep - Mythos Academy #5 - Midnight Frost

Jennifer Johnston (Dženifer Džonston) - Stara šala (The Old Jest)

Jennifer L. Armentrout - Lux # 1 - Obsidian

Jennifer L. Armentrout - A Wicked Trilogy #1 - Wicked

Jennifer L. Armentrout - A Wicked Trilogy #2 - Torn

Jennifer L. Armentrout - Lux # 1.5- Oblivion

Jennifer L. Armentrout - Lux # 2 - Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout - Lux # 3 - Opal

Jennifer L. Armentrout - Lux # 4 - Origin

Jennifer L. Armentrout - Lux # 5 - Opposition

Jennifer L. Armentrout - A Wicked Trilogy #3 - Brave

Jennifer L. Armentrout - The Dark Elements #1 - White Hot Kiss

Jennifer L. Armentrout - The Dark Elements #2 - Stone Cold Touch

Jennifer L. Armentrout - The Dark Elements #3 - Every Last Breath

Jennifer Lynn Barnes - Raised by wolves

Jennifer Sommersby - Sleight

Jennifer Turner - Eternal Seduction

Jenny Colgan (Dzeni Kolgan) - Amandino vencanje (Amanda's Wedding)

Jens Bjernebue - TRENUTAK SLOBODE hajligenberški rukopis

Jens Bjernebue - Barutana

Jens Bjernebue - Tišina

Jeremy Rifkin - Europski san

Jerome K. Jerome - Tri čovjeka u čamcu, a o psu da se i ne govori (Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog))

Jerome Wykoff - Zagonetni planet Zemlja

Jerry Pournelle - Janissaries

Jerzy Kosinski - Cockpit

Jerzy Kosinski - Vražje drvo

Jerzy Kosinski (Ježi Kosinski) - Prisutnost (Being there)

Jerzy Kosinski (Ježi Kosinski) - Koraci (Steps)

Jessica Adams - (Single White E-mail)

Jessica Adams (Dzesika Adams) - Efekat leptira (I'm a Believer)

Jessica Gadziala - Stuffed: A Thanksgiving Romance

Jessica Gadziala - Mallick Brothers #1 - Shane

Jessica Gadziala - Mallick Brothers #2 - Ryan

Jessica Roscoe - Walking Dead Girl

Jessica Sorensen - Ember

Jessica Sorensen - Fallen Star #1 - The Fallen Star

Jessica Sorensen - Fallen Star #2 - The Underworld

Jessica Sorensen - Fallen Star #3 - The Vision

Jessica Sorensen - Fallen Star #4 - The Promise

Jessica Sorensen - The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden

Jessica Sorensen - The Redemption of Callie & Kayden

Jessica Sorensen - The Raven Four(The Raven Four #1)

Jessica Sorensen - The Raven Oath (The Raven Four #2)

Jessica Spoon - My Coyote Ugly Life

Jessie Lane - Big Bad Bite

Jessie Lane - Secret Maneuvers

Jessie Lane - Walk On The Striped Side

Jevgenij Vodolazkin - Avijatičar

Jevgenij Vodolazkin - Lavr

Jevgenij Zamjatin (Yevgeniy Zamyatin; Евгений Замятин) - Mi (We, Мы)

Jewelle Gomez - The Gilda Stories

Jill Mansell (Dzil Mensel) - Zaljubljena do usiju (Head Over Heels)

Jill Mansell (Dzil Mensel) - Mirandina velika greška (Miranda's Big Mistake)

Jill Mansell (Dzil Mensel) - Ljubavne igre (Good at Games)

Jim Morrison - Divljina - izgubljeni spisi (Wilderness: The Lost Writings of Jim Morrison)

Jim Morrison (Džim Morison) - Poeme

Jo Nesbø (Ju Nesbe) - Crvendać (The Redbreast, Rødstrupe)

Jo Nesbø (Ju Nesbe) - Lovci na glave (Headhunters, Hodejegerne)

Joanna Simon - Velika knjiga o vinu

Joanna Wylde - Reaper's Property

Joanne Harris - Čokolada (Chocolat)

Joanne Harris - Pet četvrtina naranče (Five Quarters of the Orange)

Joanne Harris - Otimači plaže (Coastliners)

Joanne Harris - Kupinovo vino (Blackberry Wine)

Joanne Harris - Svete lude (Holy Fools)

Joanne Harris (Džoana Haris) - Rune (Runemarks)

Joža Horvat - Molitva prije plovidbe

Joža Horvat - Besa 1 i 2 - brodski dnevnik

Joža Horvat - Sedmi be

Jocelynn Drake - Nightwalker

Jodi Ellen Malpas - This Man

Jodi Ellen Malpas - Promised

Jodi Ellen Malpas - Denied

Johan Volfgang Fon Gete - Godine ucenja Vilhelma Majstera

Johana Heusser-Spyri - Heidi (Hajdi)

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Faust

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Johan Volfgang Fon Gete) - Godine putovanja Vilhelma Majstera (Godine putovanja Wilhelma Meistera; Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre)

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (Johan Volfgang Gete) - Patnje mladog Werthera (Patnje mladog Vertera; The Sorrows of Young Werther)

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Johan Volfgang Gete) - Bajka o zelenoj zmiji i lepoj Ljiljani (Das Maerchen von der gruenen Schlange und der schoenen Lilie)

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Johann Friedrich von Schiller - Prepiska Gete- Šiler

Johannes Mario Simmel - Klaunovi doniješe suze (Doch mit den Clowns kamen di Tränen)

John Boyne (Džon Bojn) - Zimski dvorac (The house of special purpose)

John Braine (Džon Brein) - Put u visoko društvo (Room at the Top)

John Connolly (Dzon Konoli) - Crni anđeo (The Black Angel)

John Fante (Džon Fante) - Put za Los Anđeles (The Road to Los Angeles)

John Fante (Džon Fante) - Čekaj do proleća, Bandini (Wait Until Spring, Bandini)

John Fowles - Ženska Francuskog Poručnika

John Fowles - Kolekcionar

John Fowles - MANTISA

John Gray (Džon Grej) - Muškarci su sa Marsa - Žene su sa Venere

John Grisham - The Rainmaker

John Grisham - The Innocent Man

John Grisham - Odmetnuta porota (The Runaway Jury)

John Grisham (Džon Grišam) - Kako preskočiti Božić (Skipping Christmas)

John Grisham (Džon Grišam) - Klijent (The Client)

John Grisham (Džon Grišam) - Priziv (The Appeal)

John Grisham (Džon Grišam) - Komora (The Chamber)

John Grisham (Džon Grišam) - Posljednji porotnik (The Last Juror)

John Grisham (Džon Grišam) - Vrijeme ubijanja (A Time to Kill)

John Grisham (Džon Grišam) - Slučaj Pelikan (The Pelican Brief)

John Grisham (Džon Grišam) - Ulični odvjetnik (Ulični advokat; The Street Lawyer)

John Grisham (Džon Grišam) - Testament (The Testament)

John Grisham (Džon Grišam) - Bratija (The Brethren)

John Grisham (Dzon Grišam) - Partner (The Partner)

John Grogan (Džon Grogan) - Marli i ja (Marley and Me: Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog)

John Kennedy Toole (Džon Kenedi Tul) - Zavera budala (A Confederacy of Dunces)

John Kenneth Galbraith (Dzon Kenet Galbrajt) - Novac (Money: Whence It Came, Where It Went)

John le Carre (Džon Le Kare) - Panamski krojač (The Tailor of Panama)

John le Carre (Džon Le Kare) - Noćni menadžer (The Night Manager)

John Maxwell Coetzee (Džon M. Kuci) - U srcu zemlje (In the Heart of the Country)

John Maxwell Coetzee (Džon Maksvel Kuci) - Sramota (Disgrace)

John Maynard Keynes (Dzon Majnard Kejns) - Opsta teorija zaposlenosti, kamate i novca (General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money)

John O'Farrell - Najbolje za muškarca (The Best a Man Can Get)

John Rawls - A Theory of Justice

John Robbins (Džon Robins) - Ishrana za novi milenijum (Diet for a New America)

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien - Hobit (The Hobbit)

John Steakley - Armor

Jonathan Franzen (Džonatan Frenzen) - Sloboda (Freedom)

Jonathan Franzen (Džonatan Frenzen) - Korekcije (The corrections)

Jordan Silver - Kicking and Screaming

Jordan Silver - Bad Boy

Jordan Silver - Night Visits

Jordan Silver - Passion #1 - Passion

Jordan Silver - Passion #2 - Rebound

Jordan Summers - Red

Jorge Amado (Žorž Amado) - Poslednji dan smrti (A Morte e a Morte de Quincas Berro Dágua)

Jorge Bucay (Horhe Bukaj) - Ispričat ću ti priču (Déjame que te cuente, Let me tell you)

Jorge Bucay (Horhe Bukaj) - Voljeti se otvorenih očiju ( Amarse con los ojos abiertos)

Jorge Luis Borges (Horhe Luis Borhes) - Aleph (Alef)

Jorge Luis Borges (Horhe Luis Borhes) - Maštarije (Ficctiones)

Jorge Luis Borges (Horhe Luis Borhes) - Usmeni Borhes

Jorge Luis Borges (Horhe Luis Borhes) - Iščekivanje i druge priče

Jorge Luis Borges (Horhe Luis Borhes) - Izabrane pesme

Jorge Luis Borges (Horhe Luis Borhes) - Knjiga o izmišljenim bićima

Jorge Luis Borges (Horhe Luis Borhes) - Shakespearevo pamćenje

Jorge Luis Borges (Horhe Luis Borhes) - Peščana knjiga

Jorge Luis Borges (Horhe Luis Borhes) - Dugo traganje

José Saramago (Žoze Saramago) - Smrt i njeni hirovi (Death with Interruptions)

José Saramago (Žoze Saramago) - Embargo i druge priče

José Saramago (Žoze Saramago) - Priče s ovog i s onog sveta

Joseph Gelinek (Jozef Jelinek) - Deseta simfonija (La décima sinfonía)

Joseph Heller - Catch-22

Joseph Kanon (Džozef Kanon) - Dobri Nijemac (The Good German)

Joseph Murphy (Džozef Marfi) - Moć podsvesti (The Power of Your Subconscious Mind)

Joseph Murphy (Džozef Marfi) - Moć podsvesti za XXI vek za prevazilaženje strahova i briga (Maximize Your Potential Through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Overcome Fear and Worry)

Joseph R. des Jardin (Džozef R. de Žarden) - Ekološka etika: Uvod u ekološku filozofiju

Josephine Hart (Džozefina Hart) - Greh (Sin)

Josif Brodski - Vodeni žig (Watermark)

Josip Kozarac - Tena

Josip Mlakić - Živi i mrtvi

Jostein Gaarder (Justejn Gorder) - Devojka sa pomorandžama (The Orange Girl)

Jostein Gaarder (Justejn Gorder) - Sofijin svet (Sofijin svijet; Sofies verden; Sophie's World)

Jovan Dučić - Blago cara Radovana

Jovan Dučić - Jutra sa Leutara

Jovan Jovanović Zmaj - Riznica pesama za decu

Jovan Sterija Popović - Kir Janja (Tvrdica)

Jovan Sterija Popovic - Pokondirena tikva

Joya Ryan - Break Me Slowly

Juan Rulfo - Pedro Paramo

Jude Stephens - The Evolved #1 - Scent of a Vampire

Jude Stephens - The Evolved #2 - Touch of a Vampire

Judith Krantz - Princeza Daisy

Judith Krantz - Mistralova kći

Judith Krantz - Skrupule (Scruples)

Judith Krantz - Proljetna kolekcija

Judith Krantz - Do ponovnog susreta 1-2

Judith Krantz (Džudit Kranc) - Osvojiti Manhattan (I'll take Manhattan; Osvojiti Menhetn)

Judith Krantz (Džudit Kranc) - Bljesak (Dazzle)

Judy Blume (Džudi Blum) - Bože, da l' si tu? Ja sam, Margaret. (Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.)

Judy Blume (Džudi Blum) - Forever (Zauvek)

Judy Blume (Dzudi Blum) - Zauvek (Forever)

Judy Blume (Dzudi Blum) - Samo da smo zajedno (Just as long as we're together)

Judy Waite - Forbidden

Jukio Mišima - Zlatni Paviljon

Jules & Edmond Goncourt (Žil & Edmon Gonkur) - Madam Pompadur (Madame de Pompadour)

Jules Verne (Žil Vern) - 20 000 milja pod morem (Dvadeset hiljada milja pod morem; Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea)

Jules Verne (Žil Vern) - Put u središte Zemlje (A Journey to the Center of the Earth)

Jules Verne (Žil Vern) - Put na Mjesec (Put na Mesec; From the Earth to the Moon)

Jules Verne (Žil Vern) - Put oko sveta za 80 dana (Le Tour du Monde en quatre-vingts jours)

Julia Frank - Poludnica

Julian Barnes (Džulijan Barns) - Ljubav itd. (Love, etc)

Julian Barnes (Džulijan Barns) - Nije to ništa strašno (Nothing to be Frightened of)

Julian Barnes (Džulijan Barns) - Artur & Džordž (Arthur & George)

Julian Barnes (Džulijan Barns) - Sto od limunovog drveta (The Lemon Table)

Julian Barnes (Džulijan Barns) - Istorija sveta u 10 1/2 poglavlja (A History of the World in 10½ Chapters)

Julian Huxley - Veliki atlas životinja (The Atlas of World Wildlife)

Julie Johnson - Like Gravity

Julie Kagawa - The Iron Fey #1 - The Iron King

Julie Kagawa - Winter's Passage

Julie Kagawa - The Iron Fey #2 - The Iron Daughter

Julie Kagawa - The Iron Fey #3 - The Iron Queen

Julie Wetzel - Kindling Flames #1 - Gathering Tinder

Julie Wetzel - Kindling Flames #2 - Flying Sparks

Juliette Benzoni - Tajne renesansnih dvorova

Juliette Benzoni - Tri pustolova noći

Juliette Benzoni - Tragične kraljice (Reines tragiques)

Juliette White - Irresistible Lies

Julijana Matanović - Zašto sam vam lagala

Julije Cezar (Julius Caesar) - Cezar: Galski rat (Caesar: The Gallic War)

Julio Cortázar (Hulio Kortasar) - Zverinje (Animalia)

Julio Cortázar (Hulio Kortasar) - Školice (Rayuela)

Julio Cortázar (Hulio Kortasar) - Sabrane priče 1 (Cuentos Completos 1)

Julius Evola (Julijus Evola) - Razmišljanja o vrhovima (Meditazioni delle vette)

Junas Hasen Kemiri - Oko crveno

Junas Junason - Stogodišnjak koji je iskočio kroz prozor i nestao

Junot Díaz (Džuno Dijaz) - I tako je izgubiš (This Is How You Lose Her)

Juraj Njavro - Glava dolje, ruke na leđa

Jure Kaštelan - Izabrane pjesme

Jurica Pavičić - Ovce od gipsa

Jurica Pavičić - Crvenkapica

Jurij Družnikov (Yuri Druzhnikov) - Viza za prekjučer (Passport to Yesterday)

Justejn Gorder - Kći direktora cirkusa

Justejn Gorder - Vita brevis

Justejn Gorder - Misterija pasijansa

Justejn Gorder - Maja

Justejn Gorder (Jostein Gaarder) - Zamak u Pirinejima (The Castle in the Pyrenees)

Juval Noa Harari - Homo Deus: Kratka istorija sutrašnjice